A Quick Guide To Research Paper Writing On Engineering
When Engineering students are asked to write a research paper, they should primarily go through the instructor’s guidelines thoroughly. Engineering is a vast subject with more than 40 fields of specializations. To write an impeccable piece of paper, you need have good command on its fundamental concepts.
Go through the steps thoroughly before you start writing your paper-
- Have sufficient time: If you are asked to write a thesis of approximately 20-30 pages, you should have a month’s duration. You need to utilize this time for researching, organizing and preparing the final piece of draft.
- Solid thesis statement: Begin your research with an ultimate topic. For this you need to carry an extensive investigation. But ensure to keep it simple and specific.
- Contact your professor regarding the suitability of the topic: Otherwise in the later stages if he asks you to change the topic, your all efforts may turn into vain.
- Collect information: This is a tedious task too. Visit the library of your college. Visit online libraries and Dissertation Team help service, go through the journals and periodicals. Go through the depth of the papers and check in terms of their writing pattern, formatting guidelines etc.
- Write notes: Small index cards of different colors can be used to write different types of ideas. Each color code will represent something different. Stay accurate in case you are jotting down figures and facts.
- Outline: This is most crucial step.
- Write introduction: Extend it into a paragraph. Set up your statement here and it should be in matching context of your materials collected. Keep it interesting.
- Body: Write your first chief heading followed by at least 2 more. Offer evidences against each points.
- Conclusion: Conclude at the end. The summary should correlate in accordance of the body ad it should answer the question asked in the beginning. Keep it catchy and highly informative but do not reiterate the same matter. Also never introduce any new piece of information here.
- Draft: Your first draft will always be jagged and unevenly written. But unless and until you start, you will not be able to move further. You can show this piece of rough draft to your professor and ask for his advice. Do not get scared with the red stains as those stains will help in beautifying your future drafts. Write the second and third draft. Third will be the final one.
- Footnotes and Bibliography: Write the name of the authors at the end with their publications. Ensure all the quotes and citations are authentic.
- Edit: Make all the corrections for spelling and grammar mistakes.
- Submit.
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